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BIRTHDATE: 1/17/97


HEIGHT: 6'9"

WEIGHT: 235 lbs


CLASS: Sophomore


Athleticism - Excellent athlete, plays above the rim; Quick feet and quick second jump

Transition - Runs the floor like a gazelle; ranked in top 96 percentile in the country in transition efficiency 

Length - Uses massive 7'4" wingspan to alter shots at the rim and disrupt passing lanes

Defense - Has agility and footwork to switch on guards while being an elite shot blocker

Rebounding - Averaged 8 rebs per game in 25.8 minutes, rebounds out of his area

Motor/ Energy - Very energetic and makes multiple efforts. Blocks perimeter jumpers

Passing - Shows potential to become a good passer


Raw - Still raw and far from a polished product; Reminds me of Andre Drummond at UCONN

Finishing - Misses a lot of point blank shots at the rim; double pumps too often in the post

Left Hand - Shoots right handed shots off the right shoulder

Size - Undersized for a center; needs to extend range to play the 4

Feel for the game - Must improve his overall knowledge and understanding 

Strength - Must add bulk to his frame, tendency to take off balance shots after contact

Robert Williams is an ATHLETE. He rebounds out of position. He has a motor which he shows making multiple efforts on the offense glass. Without any official measurements, he looks like he has great length. He can't shoot right now but it doesn't look like he has any mechanical flaws. Williams is a shot blocker. He'll have to stop trying to block jump shots in the league, but I like that about him. He shouldn't have any problems defending the PNR. 


Williams is extremely raw. He wants to play bully ball but he gets a lot of his shots blocked, almost way too much for a guy with his athleticism. I didn't see him make a jump shot in 5 games. If he's a 4 he's going to have to be able to shoot outside of the paint, but I like as a 5. He's need some polish in the paint. Williams almost only shoots over his right shoulder with his right hand. I wish A&M ran more PNR because that's where he's at his best. 



Great run and jump athlete 

Rebounds out of position 


Great frame

Runs the floor in transition 

Makes second efforts on the glass

Good mechanics on his jump shot 

Shot blocker

Has the mobility to be a great PNR defender 

Clint Capela ish


Turns exclusively off his right shoulder and doesn't use left hand 

Jump shot needs work 

Gets a lot of his shots blocked 

Needs polish in the paint 

Is the prototype athletic 4/5 but team doesn't run much PNR

Probably is a center at the next level





*A little undersized for a center

*Has a strong frame with long arms

*Very good athlete with a high motor

*Often beats most players down the floor

*Good hands catching lobs

*Will still try to finish bad lob passes instead of catching and collecting himself

*Doesn’t square his body shooting

*Sometimes holds the ball a beat too long on his shot

*Not a good shooter but generally takes good shoots in rhythm 

*Very effective on duck ins and crashing the offensive glass

*Follows his own shot well with a quick 2nd jump

*Much more comfortable on the right block

*Can be impatient in the post and begin his shooting motion before he’s facing the basket

*Best when turning the left shoulder

*Post footwork isn’t refined. Relies on power moves and a soft touch

*Can find shooters out of the post

*Rarely used in PNR

*Inconsistent with the amount of contact he makes on screens

*Could develp into a solid roll man with his length and athleticism


*Mobile big who can hold his own on the switch

*Has great length and does a good job keeping his hands up and active

*Alters shots at the rim as well as when asked to guard on the perimeter

*Susceptible to blow bys when he closes out hard, but is usually in control

*Takes up good help defense positioning

*Mobile enough to show out to the 3 point line and recover to his man

*Good PNR defender

*Better at recovering to a rolling big than one that is popping

*Has a strong base in post defense but can be sealed in the midpost for a lob

*Good timing on his contests in post defense

*A shot blocker but has a tendency to really sell out for a block*



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