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BIRTHDATE: 3/25/95

POSITION: Small Forward

HEIGHT: 6'8"

WEIGHT: 193 lbs

SCHOOL/ TEAM: North Carolina

CLASS: Junior


*Good size and length for a SF but is very thin

*Good athlete who can play above the rim in the open floor

*Gets out on the break quickly and fills the lanes correctly

*Finishes with both hands at the rim but can be inconsistent finishing in traffic

*Contact really bothers him on his drive

*Can hit the three as a trailer or flaring out to the wing/corner in the secondary break

*A little erratic as a ballhandler in transition, forces passes

*Can get a full head of steam and get too far underneath the basket

*Moves around the perimeter to create passing lanes for the ballhandler in the halfcourt

*Shows NBA range and has improved his jumper a lot

*Has a little bit of a low release point on his shot but he gets it off quickly

*Best as a spot up shooter or when he can step into a shot in rhythm

*Not quite as effective catching and shooting on the move but still pretty good, tends to fade more on these shots

*Good at reading the defense off the screen to know when he should flair out or curl

*Doesn’t have the two dribble midrange pull up jumper for attacking closeouts in his arsenal

*Looks to get to at least floater range when he drives from the perimeter

*Smart cutter who finds soft spots in the defense, but isn’t great at finishing once he gets it in heavy traffic

*Doesn’t run his man off the screen 

*Has a tendency to really get pushed backwards when the big shows in PNR

*Will hurt a defender from 3 who goes under a ball screen or gets too hung up on it

*Turnover prone when he tries to split the hard hedge

*Good passer on the perimeter but isn’t adept at collapsing a defense and kicking out

*Can occasionally find the roll man/PNP big

*When he comes inside the 3 point line off a ball screen, he’s almost always looking to score


*Slides his feet in space and tries to stay on his man’s hip when he’s beat in iso

*Is overreactive to crossovers

*Does a good job shooting the gap and denying the ball

*Can overrotate when away from the ball which leaves him susceptible to kick outs and good crosscourt passes

*Closes out hard on shooters, but can be attacked with a ball fake

*Can lose track of the ball when guarding a shooter going thru screens

*Gets caught ball watching with back screens

*A little slow working around ball screens, when hit solidly doesn’t follow the play hard

*Doesn’t have the strength to hold up in the post, can be pushed around and sealed pretty easily

*Keeps his hands high when he’s guarding the post


Justin Jackson reminds me a lot of Matt Barnes. He's primarily a catch and shoot guy and he has great mechanics on his jump shot. He's shooting about 40% from 3 on 7 attempts a game. He plays well off the ball. 


Jackson is rail thin. Maybe it's the baggy t shirt that looks straight out of the early 2000s. He really isn't very creative off the dribble and everything is a straight lined drive with no counter moves. I understand there isn't very much space in the lane playing against a lot of zone due to the two bigs on the court. I'd like to see more creativity out of him in transition. He looks like he's going to be an average defender at best. 


Catch and shoot guy

Great mechanics 

Good athlete 

Cuts without the ball

Uses floaters



Rail thin 

No creativity off the dribble

Could be more creative in transition 

Gives effort but is an average defender







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